Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

E-school bag – experience gained

Tomi Dolenc, Arnes

The e-School Bag project was both a challenge and decisive step in the right direction. The e-content and e-services were planned swiftly and professionally, and developed through a coordinated effort between the project partners – The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and ARNES, setting up at the same time the e-infrastructure required. This comprehensive approach creates an environment that allows the e-content and e-services to become really useful during classes. We have learned a great deal from the project. It has provided us with an insight into the importance of supporting and educating teachers, which is certainly an issue that merits greater consideration. Moreover, various issues related to the safe use of the internet and devices have been identified, and during the project we were faced with a challenge of how to ensure a sustainable developed environment, services and content.

Ttomi-dolencomi Dolenc has been dealing with the needs of end users at ARNES since 1994. As the head of user communications he is responsible for coordinating various interest groups in the field of research, education and culture, and is actively involved in related international activities.  He has played an active role in planning ARNES services, as well as support and education activities, focusing particularly on projects aimed at integrating ICT into education. In his spare time, he loves cheese and spending time in the nature – ideally both at the same time.

Category: Programme, Wednesday