Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

ARNES classrooms [beta] – Moodle on autopilot

Martin Božič, Arnes

Moodle is currently the most popular LMS system used in Slovenian schools. It can be quite demanding to maintain as it requires certain knowledge of the operating systems and keeping track of the new patch releases, as well as backup and user account management knowledge. The aim of the ARNES classrooms is to develop the Moodle-as-service and offer it to schools. In ARNES classrooms, responsibility for the technical maintenance is assumed by ARNES’s experts, thereby allowing the classroom administrators to fully focus on the content and user support.

martin-bozicMartin Božič has already accumulated over 10 years of experience working with Linux and servers. He is responsible for the SIO server infrastructure at ARNES and is the manager of the ARNES classrooms pilot project. When he is not at home with his wife and children, he can usually be found playing a musical instrument or reading a good book.

Category: Programme, Wednesday