Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Enrichment School Projects at Primary School dr. Janez Mencinger Bohinjska Bistrica

Urška Repinc, Marija Helena Logar, Janka Komac, OŠ dr. Janeza Mencingerja

The contribution presents school project work, which means enrichment for pupils, mostly talented, for school and school community. Projects are led by school professionals, who see the opportunity for realisation of the goals of the subject or activity they teach. Research literature and evidence based practice offer different models for team working at project work. The presented model shows how four teacher can collaborate: the theme teacher, school librarian, ICT teacher and teacher connected to »presenting« skills. The essence of such collaboration is that through learning process they learn a lot from each other. And then they imply the new knowledge and skills into daily work. It is important that this opportunity offers experiences to learn from pupils! Since projects are different every year. They are based on inquiry activities. Results depend on ideas and creativity of pupils and teachers. At the conference the experiences of International Peace Project will be presented. The project was devoted to 70th anniversery of Alliance landing in Normandy. It will be presented from the perspective of learning from each other (teachers – mentors) and from participating pupils, mostly about ICT use in this process.