Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015


Romana Kolar, Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana, Tadej Kolar, OŠ Pod Goro, Slovenske Konjice in ZGNL

The articles authors were wondering how to further motivate pupils/students and how to present the teaching content in a different and interesting way, and so we found solution – VOX conferences and the multimedia presentation topic in joint lessons with two classes from different schools – elementary school Pod goro Slovenske Konjice and ZGNL Ljubljana. While preparing lessons, we noticed, that kind of work will solve many, problems and fears. Due to their specific problems (deafness, speech and language disorders and autism) students from ZGNL, often have problems with communication, public speaking, making contacts with others, etc. With VOX conference all of these difficulties have almost vanished. Students have become more confident with each additional lesson and we also noticed the progress in communication. The various methods of work – surveys, chat, conversation, different opinions caused that both, pupils and students, were highly motivated, which resulted in better learning outcomes. Also, they all started to take into account the basic rules, such as raising arm, when they want to say something. Homework was also well done and everyone wanted to present it to their classmates. Although there was no interest to present their work at the beginning it has changed because of healthy measure of competitiveness among the students.