Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

FRAGMENTS OF UNIVERSE, “Google Sites” website for teaching geography in 6th grade of primary school

Katja Završnik, OŠ Vransko, Tabor

If we take a look at the geography textbook for 6th grade, it can quickly be noticed that there are very few photos in the chapter on universe. Due to insufficient picture material pupils have problems imagining very abstract concepts of universe. Therefore I decided to prepare a website together with pupils. The website would contain a lot of picture and video material which pupils will find online and use for their tasks. In this way they will gain the knowledge on the topic that is contained in work programme for geography lessons in 6th grade. The fragments of knowledge will be connected by a worksheet at the end of website preparation which will lead the pupils through questions and tasks to the final solution. Three classes of pupils were included into this project. Pupils from class 6 C helped to prepare website during the geography lessons. It was intended to provide insights to topic of universe and solar system with help of Google application Sites. Every pupil contributed a piece to the mosaic of the common website. Through making of website pupils got to know the preparation of the website as well as online browsing, since they were looking for interesting material on universe, photos, interesting facts. Two other classes (6 A and 6 B) tested the website and evaluated its strong and weak sides and identified the parts that need improvement to enable better understanding.