Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Peer-to-peer studying between 5th and 9th graders

Mojca Janžekovič, OŠ Toma Brejca, Kamnik

In the light of using acquired knowledge, a decision was made by teachers of geography and 5th grade class teachers to link geography and society vertically. Such linking enables students to acquire complex knowledge that can be used in practical situations. When students teach one another, student who have the role of teachers deepen their knowledge, and in order to be able to explain the subject matter to peers, they must know the contents of a particular subject very well. Students were put in 5th-9th grader pairs. Two lessons were then spent together in the course of one month. The aim of the first meeting was to revise and recall subject matter that had previously been dealt with. Students from the 5th grade taught the 9th graders everything they should have known by the time of the first meeting. Afterwards, the 9th grade students upgraded their knowledge in their geography lessons. After a month, a second meeting followed with the aim of 9th graders teaching the 5thgraders new subject matter. Computers were used during the joint lessons. Each pair of students got a document with questions to be answered. During the course of the second meeting they reopened the document to write in the missing or correct the existing answers. The use of computers enabled students to make corrections, write faster and more legibly, save all the answers in one place, test their knowledge online and do an online survey.