Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Data processing in class 5 »by hand« and with the help of ICT

Marica Domitrovič, OŠ Belokranjskega odreda, Semič

I am going to present the comparison of data processing without the use of ICT and with the help of ICT. It is an example of cross-curricular integration of Slovenian, maths, science and technology, geography and P. E. in the accordance with the learning objectives from the class 5 curriculum. The first example shows how the pupils carried out the survey about dieting and activities among their classmates. The data was collected with the help of a questionnaire, compiled and shown with the bar, line and pie graphs. For the comparison they created another questionnaire which related to the past time activities. They signed in the Google accounts and entered the questionnaire in the Google drive form on their computers in the computer classroom. The questionnaire was sent to the emails of at least fifteen classmates. Each individual also got the questionnaire on their mail, fulfilled it and submitted. They examined the responses in Google drive and in the form tab chose show the summary of results where they found out the processed data. The example shows the cooperative learning within the class and the responsibility of the individual to perform their part in the entire process. The pupils realised how the use of ICT makes the work easier and mainly shortens the time to achieve the same objective. The pupils’ motivation was high, especially when they used ICT. At the same time they helped and gave advice to each other.