Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Google Street view as an interactive guide along the Slovenian coast

Andrej Nemec, Klementina Weis, OŠ Prežihovega Voranca, Bistrica

Modern information technology makes it possible for pupils to learn about the true nature of the outside world, even if they stay in their classroom. A tool that makes the mentioned possible is Google Street View. Street View is a free, accessible and easy to use tool with a 360 degrees natural view on a certain location. With this tool, we performed a lesson in society in the 5th grade and integrated it with the pupils role play. Pupils took over the role of classic tourist guides and their role play was combined with Google Street View in the role of an interactive guide along the presented destinations. With this kind of an interactive approach pupils develop their public speaking skills and their digital competences, they undertake individual and group research, learn the basics of critical friendship and experiential learning and participate actively in the whole lesson. In the process of preparing, research and performing classroom activities the pupils provided important feedback and shared their own ideas, which will contribute to a more efficient teaching process. A class teacher has a very important role in digital competences teaching, since he/she is responsible that pupils learn about the correct and reasonable utilization of ICT. The latter is a challenge for schools, parents and the whole society in terms of developing young personalities and their future.