Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015


Katja Knific, Branka Vodopivec, Maruša Bogataj, OŠ Predoslje, Kranj

Our contribution for this conference presents examples of cross-curricular integration between Slovene, English and Geography and cross-curricular learning, learning between students and teachers, which consists the elements of formative assessment and takes place in the internet environment called Mahara. The main common aim of our cross-curricular integration was to encourage and stimulate the students to think in a more critical way and on the other hand prepare a safe environment where they can express their own opinion and thoughts and share them with their school friends. At the very beginning formative assessment represented a big challenge to our students. They had some difficulties placing the aims and the strategies how to achieve the aims. But step by step their work was becoming easier. They became good critical friends to each other, so they could practice standing the arguments for their opinion. Students’ feedback on the work they had done became more important. We will present the learning between each other, students and teachers through three different tasks: a board game called Slovangea mania, made by students working in groups, an exhibition of poems, again made by our students, and a signpost of Slovenian traditional food. That was the way how we, the students and the teachers, prepared some opportunities to spread our knowledge to other participants in school too. All they needed to do was to take a few minutes to read a poem, maybe two, or read the QR code on our signpost.