Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Flipped flipped learning

Špela Bagon, OŠ Louisa Adamiča, Grosuplje

Flipped learning in school course Journalism represents a combination of teaching learning materials in WordPress and active, collaborative learning in school. I provided learning material through WordPress, offered by Arnes Splet. First we developed in WordPress together with students and then in real-time editing. At the beginning I was teaching students, then students began teaching me. Students were studying material at home and they also prepared materials for school work. That is why in school remained time for the exchange of ideas and discussion, so I gathered feedback (problems, desire, initiative), based on which we jointly planned learning topics, activities, learning methods and defined expected achivements and ways to measure them. The modern ICT-based teaching of flipped learning was upgraded in the way that it was not the use of teacher’s feedback in the classroom that was stressed as usually, but mostly learners. Their feedback was used to moderate the learning, as the students, and thus the advancement of knowledge in higher taxonomic levels and continuous comprehending knowledge were enabled. ICT-supported flipped learning was turned and upgraded and thus the mutual and active learning was enabled.