Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Reciprocal learning feeds us

Maruša Jazbec Colja, OŠ Naklo

The paper focuses on the use of tablet computers in German language learning as a tool, which allows students to work in small, heterogeneous groups and achieve their goal through reciprocal work and with minimal help of the teacher. The students have acquired knowledge in a different, interactive and active way. The role of the student changes completely. A passive student becomes an active student. He / she takes on the leading role in acquiring knowledge, accepts responsibility for their own knowledge and takes responsibility for the group, because the contribution of each individual is the key to the final product of the group. In this way weaker students get an important and prominent role. That is one of the reasons why it is important that the groups are formed heterogeneously. Students were divided in small groups. They took a role of a bartender or one of the guests and the cameraman. They prepared a set of applications that were used in the work and for further learning. After that, they raffled a situation (in a restaurant, in a coffee shop or at a fast-food stand), they prepared a dialogue in a group with the help of applications and Web-based dictionary and recorded the dialogue with a tablet computer. The cameraman prepared some questions for the rest of the students in the classroom. In class we watched all the videos, we did the tasks, gave critical feedback and made the evaluation. The pupils achieved the goals completely – individually, with reciprocal learning.