Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Use of ICT as a tool for formative assessment of learning and achievements

Jasmina Velikanje, Gimnazija Jurija Vege, Idrija

The presentation shows three examples of good practice, where ICT skills are used in order to support formative assessment for learning (AfL) in secondary school. AfL is based on an active role of learners in terms of planning the learning process. Students should be encouraged to set their own learning goals and should be able to monitor and evaluate their achievements. One of basic principles is feedback on learning, which enables students to get a critical insight into their knowledge and thus stimulates the development of self-regulated learning and improvement. The examples show the use of ICT in learning and teaching a secondary foreign language (German) in grammar school and first foreign language (English) in technical secondary school. Divided into small groups or pairs, students do most of the tasks at the multimedia classroom at school. These forms of work enable cooperative learning, mutual supporting, peer teaching and encourage teacher and peer dialogue about learning. When trying to do the assignments, students use digital competence. Some have gained the ICT skills independently, others in Information Technology lessons as a part of the curriculum. Students no only assess their ability to use different e-learning tools, but at the same time they refresh, assess and upgrade their knowledge of a foreign language. The teacher is at the same time a learner, because students often possess more ICT skills than the teacher. All achievements and possible results of the assignments are published in e-learning Moodle platform which makes them accessible to all students. Students can cooperate at a distance, publish their work as well as exchange their ideas, opinions and experience. This is an opportunity for students to learn from each other and for the teacher to learn from them.