Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Use of information and communication tehnology in learning and teaching mathematics in third cycle of primary school

Lidija Jug, OŠ Sladki vrh

Nowadays, the development and progress of the ICT has a massive influence not only on our way of life but on the teaching methods as well. Students are becoming more active part oin the educational process and the didactic choice of ICT is a guarantee for a better knowledge in maths. What is more, we enable a student to reveal on his own new discoveries and facts and by the same time he can choose his own style and pace of learning. Students develop mind and learning strategies for solving the problems while the visualization and demonstration of the results also enable better recollection and finally it could be a motivational tool as well. Teacher has an important role to critically evaluate ICT and reasonably include it into the teaching process. Prior knowledge of using ICT is among the students and teachers on a different level. Therefore the application of e-contents and services in a pilot project e-schoolbag enables the ones who are taking part in it to upgrade their knowledge in using ICT and to learn from each other. In my article I point out the reasonable use of ICT while teaching maths as an example of good experience. Tablet, with numerous applications like Geogebra, Prezi, Excel, online classroom, Cloud, e-portfolio, is slowly becoming an indispensable didactic accessory in maths classes.