Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Introduction to English as the first foreign language in the 2nd grade and the use of the program Tux paint

Sanja Pavlinić Vidic, OŠ Belokranjskega odreda, Semič

This paper presents a system for introducing English as the first foreign language in the 2nd grade of primary school. Based on the known facts that students in 2nd grade are curious, have a desire to learn and a need to communicate in different ways, I use ICT in the process of learning English to achieve aims more easily and efficiently. Tux paint program enables effective and successful implementation of activities, increases fine motor skills, imagination, cooperation and interaction of pupils and provides a fun way of learning English. Pupils with the use of the program repeat the vocabulary and learn without any visible effort. As they learn I take notes and evaluate the progress of each person individually. I also prepare a picture dictation, vocabulary or a simple story, which they draw using program. Using differentiation I divide the pupils into pairs or groups according to their abilities. Then they independently prepare instructions for the dictation that is foretold to another pair or group. The positive impact of the application program is reflected in the motivation and collaboration between students, in the spontaneous learning from each other and in the gaining of English as well as gaining computer skills.