Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Creativity without limits

Andrej Oberwalder Zupanc, Srednja šola Domžale

The article presents the usefulness of 3D printing technology to develop the creativity of pupils and students in the design of various products. Taking the example of the use of the educational program mechanical technician. The described technology can also be used in other secondary education programs, but certainly also in primary schools in teaching techniques and technology. The article describes the various options for making 3D models: the creation of own in various software packages and use pre-made database of 3D models. Describes the preparation of a 3D model in the appropriate file, prepare the appropriate program code for 3D printing (G-code) and describes the program to manage 3D printer. Describes the specific 3D printer which is suitable for use in schools. Present a positive experience with the motivation of students for creative work in designing products. When there was no possibility of producing the product, the enthusiasm of students is less. Very increased responsibility for their own work, as in the finished product can be seen what they are done. If the product is left on the screen, such an effect is not observed. Described way of working encourages the exchange of ideas and learning between students, learning between teachers and students and to develop a sense of team work. In the process of creating a new product that effectively uses the available hardware and software which is in function of creativity.