Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Skype at nursery school: so near and yet so far

Klavdija Hrastovec, Vrtec Črnuče

More and more communication in everyday rapid pace of life is carried out through various telecommunication devices and connections. Modern technologies, which are becoming useful accessories for various activities, also intertwine with work at nursery school. Our group started using Internet phone network Skype, which is free of charge, and helps us communicate with our friend, who moved to London last summer. The children observed the entire procedure of preparing the room and equipment before the video call. When the connection was established and the children saw our friend on the screen they let out a big cheer. However, we saw a reserved little girl, who grew taller and turned 5 in the meantime. The conversation was relaxed and the children wanted to know, how she had celebrated her birthday, how she felt in London, how she communicated with other people and what the names of her friends from school were. She sang us a couple of songs in English and explained their meaning. We learned about her life in London and told her about our adventures. The children were full of various impressions after the conversation. We summed up the impressions of the video chat in one sentence: “London is so far away and yet we saw and heard our friend as if she were right next to us.”