Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Google Drive or Flipped learning

Božena Rudolf, Gimnazija Jurija Vege, Idrija

The aim of my presentation is to show how one can use Google Drive in school. I want to show some ways of its implementation. With Drive pupils can create exercises and task or solve different tasks. Drive enables pupils simultaneous creating of one document. When observing the work of others students are encourged and motivated for their own work and many ideas are born. When pupils create task they have to think about the subject matter so its perfect for evaluation of knowledge before tests. It enables sharing ideas simultaneously and offers the overview to the teacher. One can also carry out the evalvation with this function. Another way one can use it is: solving tasks in groups, so that everybody has the results of everbody. In both cases pupils learn from pupils and teachers from pupils.