Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Using Google+ for developing cooperative learning

Mojca Hojski Tkavc, OŠ Blanca

For the right development of the society we need to focus on developing e-competences as well as cooperative learning and fostering positive interpersonal relations. To achieve this aim we have established a Google+ community, where the students inform each other what is for homework, they help each other by explaining the procedure of how to solve different tasks, so we could say they are doing e-tutoring thus learning from each other. At the same time we are strengthening our interpersonal relations as the students, even though this is a way of learning, do not perceive this as an obligation or school work, but as a relaxing debate in an environment close to them – the Internet. With the analysis of short movies posted on the internet site ( we have discussed another important theme in the development of our e-society and this is the threats and traps of the Internet. By exchanging opinions and writing about our experiences we have also learnt from each other. I have shared my views with them, we had a constructive debate, which enabled me the insight into their way of thinking and perceiving the world. The students familiarized me with new internet sites like, explained the marking +1 in our Google+ community and similar. We learn something new from each other daily and so continue enriching and building our modern society.