Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

ICT for achieving the superabundance of the planned cross-curricular integration

Nataša Robič, Petra Lajlar, OŠ Dobje

The modern way of teaching tends to make diverse range of teaching methods and forms which are used for developing creative thinking by students and teachers, while gaining knowledge and skills at different levels of human thinking and action (emotional, intellectual, cultural, social level). Implementation of a vertically integrated cross-curricular lesson is certainly a great example of an integrated concept in modern teaching. When we combined innovativeness of 7th and 8th grade students in two Slovene and history lessons together and added the ICT – tablets, laptops and smart phones, our students planned their goals and actually planned the lesson in Mahara’s My learning tab (what do I already know, what do I want to know, what have I learnt). In Google Drive shared folder they summarized their thinking, based on the data from the table by using the KWL method. Individual parts of the subject matter were assembled into a unified whole. Students used the jigsaw method and the mind mapping tool XMind for creating one common mind map. Students presented the synthesis of the gained knowledge in the final part through debate with pro and con arguments. The described method of teaching is certainly a trend that due to all its dimensions should become the norm in the future.