Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Even pupils can edit e-classrooms independently

Daša Bejat Kranjc,  OŠ Dušana Flisa Hoče

This paper presents an attempt of a pupil to explore her own learning process and share her knowledge with their classmates by using ICT. The author is given a role of the teacher in the online classroom for English, which enables the insertion of resources and preparation activities for the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. The pupil creates digital content, relating to the subject matter and motivates other pupils to learn the foreign language. Activities prepared by the author in the online classroom are: creative writing in the forum, entering new words in the dictionary, solving quizzes and polls, searching and posting interesting resources, current information (the dates of the tests, questions for the test). A pupil in the role of a teacher is a motivator for learning because the classmates search for and send links to useful resources on the web as well.