Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Learners learning from each other with the support of EUfolio and AFL

Tina Petkovšek,  SŠ za farmacijo, kozmetiko in zdravstvo, Ljubljana

In my presentation I will orientate to present good practice at class when the students extended the topic »preparations for employment« into a small project using web platform »Mahara« and AFL, which came fully to life. The emphasis was on the fact that we all got an opportunity to learn from each other. I did not want to be the only teacher, I wanted them to go into more depths of that part of »preparation for employment« which they found unknown and show this to other students in a short presentation. In this way they learned from each other. Later a teacher of practical work was invited to our class, so my colleague and I had an opportunity to learn something new from each other as well. The activity of the students was divided into 4 stages. As a warming-up activity, each of them had to make up a slogan for their self-promotion. In the first phase they also filled in a questionnaire about preparation for employment and thus analysed their weak spheres. They chose which topic they would deal with independently. In the pre-arranged time they introduced their chosen topic to their classmates as a presentation in Prezi and Power Point in a most creative way. It was important that they also quoted the sources – the internet sources if their classmates would possibly like to study more about that topic. The third phase was publication of advice regarding looking for employment, which each of the students got outside school, either from their parents, friends or personnel managers. The last stage was again self-assessment in the questionnaire about preparation for employment and finishing the folder »my learning with evaluation«. AFL enabled me to follow the progress of the students and they got an opportunity for developing self-regulation in a learning process. My intension is to encourage other teachers to explore learning from each other and use folio and AFL.