Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Do Fourthgraders Understand What They Read On-line? ePIRLS survey

ePIRLS is a a new inovative assessment of IEA Progress in International Reading Literacy Survey. ePIRLS uses an engaging, simulated Internet environment to measure fourth grade students’ achievement in reading for informational purposes. In April 2015 data collection of ePIRLS was finished in 15 countries. We will present the data and experience from Slovenia where more then 1100 students were assessed in ePIRLS Field Trial. Survey in Slovenia is coordinated by Educational Research Institute and implemented by the school coordinators and teachers at the sampled schools in accordance with international protocol. In spite of many obstacles, schools were very successful in collecting the data.


marjetaMarjeta Doupona is a researcher at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. She holds a diploma degree in journalism and a master’s degree in sociology of culture (applied linguistics). Her main research interests are literacy and the use of ICT. She is the national coordinator of the international literacy study Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS), within the framework of which she has also been a member of the international group of experts of the IEA in the field of computer-based literacy assessment methodology.
As a member of a group of experts, she was actively involved in the literacy project of the National Education Institute of Slovenia. She was also a member of the National Literacy Board.


Illustrations from keynotes:

Ilustracija_Marjeta Doupona 2Ilustracija_Marjeta Doupona 1
Illustrator: Igor Ribič



Category: Friday, Programme