Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Project e-Šolska torba on ŠC Nova Gorica

Mirijam Pirc, ŠC Nova Gorica

Teachers and students at the School Centre Nova Gorica were involved in the project “e-šolska torba”. The subjects included in the project were Slovenian, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The teachers gained valuable experience in using e-books and e-services in the classroom. Slovene is one of the subjects of the humanities and keeps pace using modern technology in class. Alongside new didactical approaches, which not only cover lesson organisation, but cooperation between teachers as well, we try to incorporate the digital media into the teaching of Slovene at our high schools. First and foremost, this is suggested in the curriculum accepted in 2008 for high school Slovene, which had already anticipated a change of teaching methods in this regard. The pursuit of modern methods has been encouraged by official institutions as well (ZRSŠ), which have provided the tools we can use during lessons, and a digital workbook. At Mathematics, the quality of e-learning material is very high and e-textbox represents an important contribution to the enrichment of methods and strategies in teaching and learning. The tasks check students’ understanding in many different ways. Consequently, the teacher should consider very carefully which parts of the material to use to achieve specific learning targets and not to make the students “lose” themselves in the e-textbook. E-learning at Chemistry can be used to check the students’ primary school knowledge, to learn new facts and to consolidate the established knowledge. In order to achieve the desired goals, the teacher must choose the strategies and methods very carefully. Students can be “supersaturated” with the abundance of new concepts and e-learning methods. At Science subjects like Biology and Physics teachers use a variety of  tools which are available on the World Wide Web: Socrative program, collaborative cards, application Exe, Google’s drive and Vernier sensors.