Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Teaching informatics in virtual environment OpenSim

Mirko Đukić , Zavod Antona Martina Slomška, Škofijska gimnazija

The essence of the article is to present a »slightly different« project-based and student centred way of teaching informatics. It leans on the concepts of gamification of the learning process, such as the game based approach of learning, learning by doing approach, student centred learning, encouraging the creativity and spreading knowledge among students. In the virtual environment (OpenSim), students consider the topics from the curriculum, namely programming, presentation of vector graphic and bitmap images. First, we discuss the common theme in class (this year: “medieval castles”). Then, students form small groups and, partly guided and partly independently, create contents in the common virtual environment (OpenSim). This is how they learn the characteristics of a vector graphic. By clothing the created objects with textures made by them, students adopt the processing of a bitmap images. Students learn to code in the programming language Scratch. They export the written programs in scripts (Linden Script) and then import them to OpenSim and paste them as the behaviour of a certain object. Students learn in the common environment where they have the opportunity to communicate, observe the work of their neighbours, help each other and learn from each other. The final part of the teaching theme is dedicated to assessment, but not of the final product. The student creates an object and decorates it with the logical behaviour (for example: a draw bridge). When assessing programming, the product is assessed at the level of concepts, e.g. the program contains appropriate branching, a loop, a variable, a function, etc.

Collaborative and self-regulatory learning with e-Portfolio at P.E.

Neja Markelj, SŠ za farmacijo, kozmetiko in zdravstvo, Ljubljana

In this paper I present an experience of formative and collaborative learning at physical education in 3rd year of high school by integrating e-Portfolio (project EUfolio). In addition to the common learning objectives of the long jump, I additionally followed the following objectives: to develop collaborative and self-regulatory learning skills. The learning started with the announcement of the next class theme. Students fulfilled My-Learning tab in the e-Portfolio for homework. They activated their prior knowledge of the techniques of long jumping, jump phases and influences of the jump length, and as well as what they had already knew about collaborative learning. In the first class we discussed their notes on these topics. The girls were divided into pairs. They filmed each other jumps with i-Pad. In the e-Portfolio they analyzed their own jump technique, set their learning goals and strategies to meet them. Schoolmate submitted feedback on their notes. In the next classes we practiced jump technique and regularly provided feedback in the pair. The assessment score of the student long jump performance consisted of teacher’s assessment, two classmates’ assessments and student’s evaluation of the schoolmate’s jump performance. Teacher’s task at all stages is to closely monitor the students activities, encourage collaboration and help when students get stuck.

Learners learning from each other with the support of EUfolio and AFL

Tina Petkovšek,  SŠ za farmacijo, kozmetiko in zdravstvo, Ljubljana

In my presentation I will orientate to present good practice at class when the students extended the topic »preparations for employment« into a small project using web platform »Mahara« and AFL, which came fully to life. The emphasis was on the fact that we all got an opportunity to learn from each other. I did not want to be the only teacher, I wanted them to go into more depths of that part of »preparation for employment« which they found unknown and show this to other students in a short presentation. In this way they learned from each other. Later a teacher of practical work was invited to our class, so my colleague and I had an opportunity to learn something new from each other as well. The activity of the students was divided into 4 stages. As a warming-up activity, each of them had to make up a slogan for their self-promotion. In the first phase they also filled in a questionnaire about preparation for employment and thus analysed their weak spheres. They chose which topic they would deal with independently. In the pre-arranged time they introduced their chosen topic to their classmates as a presentation in Prezi and Power Point in a most creative way. It was important that they also quoted the sources – the internet sources if their classmates would possibly like to study more about that topic. The third phase was publication of advice regarding looking for employment, which each of the students got outside school, either from their parents, friends or personnel managers. The last stage was again self-assessment in the questionnaire about preparation for employment and finishing the folder »my learning with evaluation«. AFL enabled me to follow the progress of the students and they got an opportunity for developing self-regulation in a learning process. My intension is to encourage other teachers to explore learning from each other and use folio and AFL.

Even pupils can edit e-classrooms independently

Daša Bejat Kranjc,  OŠ Dušana Flisa Hoče

This paper presents an attempt of a pupil to explore her own learning process and share her knowledge with their classmates by using ICT. The author is given a role of the teacher in the online classroom for English, which enables the insertion of resources and preparation activities for the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. The pupil creates digital content, relating to the subject matter and motivates other pupils to learn the foreign language. Activities prepared by the author in the online classroom are: creative writing in the forum, entering new words in the dictionary, solving quizzes and polls, searching and posting interesting resources, current information (the dates of the tests, questions for the test). A pupil in the role of a teacher is a motivator for learning because the classmates search for and send links to useful resources on the web as well.


Miha Miklavc, OŠ Vransko Tabor

We live in the world of high technology in which robots are the integral part of our lives. Not only do they make our work easier, but they are also becoming autonomous systems, which can replace humans in certain ways. At our school we wanted to get to know more about the functioning and operating of robots. In the previous school year, within the project Popestrimo šolo, we started the activity lego systems, which involves pupils of different age. Within the activity pupils are discovering lego mechanics and lego robotics. They are learning about the robots functioning with the use of MINDSTORMS NXT and EV3 Education programs. The applications are loaded on their smart phones in order to operate the robots. The main motto of this activity is pupils cooperation and cooperative learning. Older pupils have the role of a teacher and help younger with more complex tasks, such as robots construction, programming and their operating. Pupils are not limited in their activities, because we want them to develop their creativity and imagination. Their ideas are fresh and very interesting; they always strive for further improvements. The greatest challenge for them is to combine different technologies. Lego systems activity offers a new form of Science based learning and acquiring new technical skills. The knowledge of Math and Physics is presented in a funny and playful way. The activity itself shows that only cooperative experiential learning can lead to better results.

The impact of modern technology on teaching Math

Marija Blažič, OŠ Dobje

Tablets have impacted teaching essentially. Students have become teachers and teachers have become students. Roles are changing constantly during classes. The communication is also running after classes. E-textbook has replaced regular textbook, made of paper, at Mathematics. We use GeoGebra, which contributes at understanding of geometry. Students help each other while learning the rules of planning. Online classroom also enables testing the knowledge by quizes. Wolfram and the programme of spatial awareness on torina, atlas okolja and others, help with developing spatial awareness at students and learning by game. Students have a huge draft of studying possibilities. They help each other, research, and share conclusions with school mates and teachers. They evaluate the worth of program and expose its pros and cons. They quickly find the connection between everyday life and subject matter. Students find tablets an additional motivation at classes. It contributes to improving knowledge and distinction. They discover their powerful fields and improve at self-evaluation, but also learn to accept critical thinking of schoolmates. Teachers can also learn a lot from them. They often find interesting and useful programs during surfing. Cooperation between co-workers, the exchange of experience and learning about programs is also significant. Technology is becoming the way of life and there is no way back. We will just have to incorporate it in our way of life. We raise students to be equipped with knowledge needed for their life success.

When 1:30 becomes 1:1

Goran Bezjak, Zavod Antona Martina Slomška, Škofijska gimnazija

The essence of the workshop is to demonstrate the passage of teaching physics from the system 1:30 to the system 1:1. With this workshop, I will show how we can achieve this passage by using the application NearPod on the mobile devices (and the suitable network infrastructure). Explaining physics often includes drawing (graphs, sketches, sketching experiments …). We usually do this by drawing, for example, a graph on the blackboard, where we use the frontal shape, according to the system 1:30. In a case like this, not all students are always active. However, we can provide the explanation with a graph by introducing the subject matter gradually. In order to do this, we use the pre-prepared materials (for example, a graph’s base) in the application NearPod, where each student (partially guided) draws their own prospective solution. This is the way to activate every student. At the same time, the application enables us to forward in consideration the (chosen) solutions to all students or to project them on the blackboard, which provides the further discussion about the subject matter. With this practice I encourage the critical thinking and evaluation among the peers, since students have the opportunity to evaluate (or comment) the (half) products of their peers (in our case the graph) while being the co-creators of presenting a subject matter. The advantage of this method of teaching is activeness of every student in developing and explaining the matter. My role becomes decentralized and becomes the role of a moderator, who  only guides the learning process. This way students can learn from each other, which leads to increased motivation: If my classmate can do it, I can do it too.

How to connect optional unrequited classes – German and film

Urška Godler, Katja Gajšek,  OŠ Hruševec, Šentjur

In optional unrequited classes german and film for forth grade students we made a project in witch children had learned from one and other. During german class children learned a song What does the fox say? in german language. The children of film class then filmed their performance and made a video. That is how the children learned the process of filmmaking, handling the camera, film designee, cosmography and german words in a fun way. The technology we used were iPads, Go pro camera, iMove program for making of the film and Sam animation program for making animation. The porpoise of the project was for children to learn different roles and jobs recurred for making of the film and exchange of knowledge between two subjects.

Tablet in sculpturing is not just a panel

Renata Kern, OŠ Šmartno pod Šmarno Goro

Teaching is a challenge and a challenge is great motivation for changes and diversity. Teaching fine arts is a pleasure to me as we always test theoretical contents, we explore through creating, designing different materials. Information and statements are often not enough for a student to understand the art theory, so it was a challenge to me to invite pupils to explain the given theoretical novelty through experience. In the 4th grade I found a way in the sculptural content for students to research and find differences between two types of sculpture by using tablets. I upgraded the task and told the pupils to research in pairs. They could decide by themselves which role to take or even to change the roles. One of them took over the role of the cameraman, the other one prepared the sculpture for recording on a rotating surface. The task requested mutual cooperation, making agreements, discovering the facts, validating and proving the claim. Through this experience they understood the differences between a relief and a rounded plastic as they came across a minor obstacle during the recording. They could record a small statue of a human being from all sides, but they were not able to record a relief in the same way. In just a few minutes students became acquainted with the theoretical claim, they were able to understand and prove it by using the tablet recorder.

With the use of a survey towards a more qualitative web classroom in the Information science lessons

Andrej Šuštaršič, Gimnazija Bežigrad

Students like something new, better and therefore more interesting, which inspires and enriches them in general. This notion presents a challenge for school as well as for the teachers to listen to the students and provide a suitable studying environment. The teacher can provide the students with more adequate materials, perform better activities and ways of teaching and use equivalent methods. Web classrooms differ in terms of different school subjects. Teachers put various sources and activities in a web classroom and upgrade or change the web classroom in terms of quality. This article presents mostly the qualitative aspect of upgrading the web classroom in Information science lessons, bearing in mind the opinions of the students about the drawbacks, adequacy and quality of each source and activity in the web classroom. There are different possibilities to be used to find out about the students’ opinions regarding the use and quality of the web classrooms. Sometimes even a short conversation or a critical evaluation during the classes is enough. A forum in the web classroom can also be used or a survey can be carried out. It is best to use all three options since students’ critical comments at their first web-classroom entry are very welcome for corrections and changes. The forum enables us to follow the students’ opinions all the time and the survey makes it possible to get more complex opinions. A critical student’s response can serve as new knowledge for the teacher.