Sirikt 2015 International Conference

27th – 29th May 2015

Sirikt 2015 International Conference - 27th – 29th May 2015

Who Presses Play For Learning?

There are many common myths about how people learn or how we teach, often they are blocking the implementation of real stuff that works. Some of those myths concern the use of technology in education. So doesn’t technology make education better by definition, but neither is education without modern technology by definition good. In this talk some of the more common myths about learning and education – such as learning styles and digital natives – will be replaced by new – and old, but too little known – insights on learning with or without technology with specific discussing the personalization of learning. Some examples of the insights that will be presented: personalized review, dual channel theory, …


DeBruyckerePPedro De Bruyckere is an educational scientist at Arteveldehogeschool, Ghent Belgium ( since 2001. He co-wrote several book in which he debunks popular myths on GenY and GenZ, education and popular culture. March 2015 Academic Press will release the book Urban Myths about Learning and Education, a book he co-wrote with Paul Kirschner and Casper Hulshof. Pedro is an often-asked public speaker; one of his strongest points is that he is funny in explaining serious stuff. He is finishing his PhD on the perception of authenticity. In December 2012 Pedro was chosen as most inspiring public speaker on education during ‘De Kunst van het Inspireren’ in Amsterdam.


Illustrations from keynotes:

Ilustracija_Pedro De Bruyckere 2Ilustracija_Pedro De Bruyckere 1
Illustrator: Igor Ribič


Category: Programme, Thursday